Sunday, March 30, 2014

POSRA producing safe agro products - Vegetables

To ensure the quality and secure food chain at consumer level, POSRA has come forward as a production and marketing company for pesticides free safe agro products. Considering the health hazards both at farmer and consumer level due to improper, unlimited and unnecessary use of pesticides during cultivation of crops especially for vegetables, a group of youth, educated and conscious persons got united to engage in production and marketing of such safe agro products. 

Our endeavor is to produce pesticides free crops followed by globally accepted scientific methods of IPM (Integrated Pest Management) by the trained farmers in collaboration with experienced agriculturists. We also work as a bridge for farmers and consumers by make available of Safe Agro Products esp. vegetables at local market and to ensure proper price for cultivators.

At present we are working at Chittagong and Hill Tract regions with groups of contact farmers at different areas. Our team members monitor their cultivation process thoroughly with necessary technical and logistic supports in producing of pesticides free safe vegetable products. We collect those quality products directly from their field and reach to the market with these fresh items within very few hours (6-8 hrs.) under our own arrangement avoiding all intermediaries.

Use of Pheromone trap at field for producing safe agro products 

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